Focus on Gratitude – Appreciate Your Way To Joy and Abundance

“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.” ~~Anthony Robbins

Does the significance of gratitude impact your own life? The great motivational/inspirational teachers encourage us to bring more supreme appreciation into our lives. It is said to be a powerful force that can shift our lives.

By focusing on those beautiful, lovely things and aspects that are already in our lives, we will then attract more of the same. So by giving our full and delighted attention to what is going right for us — the prosperity, the love, the kindness that already surrounds us — we can magnetically attract more of these into our experience.

Now whether or not you completely believe that, there is definitely something fascinating and uplifting about this concept. Anything that can make you feel better is worth a little attention!

Okay, I’ll be honest — this is one area where I personally need to do more inner work. The all-too-human side of me can get caught up in the hectic, multitasking pace of life at times that I forget to take a “gratitude break.”  Feeling in the consistent stream of appreciation consistently is a process that takes conscious effort. But it’s worth it!

Basically, it’s important to stop whining and complaining — many people tend to get caught up in the loop of this kind of attitude. It’s human to vent our feelings and frustrations, but don’t dwell on it. And although it often seems easier to keep up the steady cadence of lack and negativity,  it’s not healthy and will not bring anything positive into our lives!

Stop focusing on what you don’t like and don’t want. Look around your personal environment and start appreciating! Appreciate a person, a pet, a cherished possession. Appreciate any little beautiful aspect of nature that calls to you.

As I write this, there is a blue jay just outside my window, hopping on the fence posts looking for peanuts that I often leave there. I just took a moment to appreciate his visit, his pretty blue colorings and markings, before he flew away. Something as simple as the comfort of your chair, the sunlight streaming in a window can just uplift you in an easy way.

Appreciating people that are close to you (and verbalizing it generously) will always be a loving, supportive boost to relationships! Gratitude always nurtures any bond.

The more often you engage in these small (or large) moments of gratitude, the better you will feel! As you feel better, you think better — and your attitude improves. You become wrapped in a more joyful environment. As you feel gratitude toward all that you DO have, a sense of abundance surrounds you, infuses youAll in all, you will feel happier, more peaceful, more balanced.

Affirmations to help focus on feelings of gratitude:

  • It is easy for me to feel and express appreciation for others.
  • I focus on all the positive things in my life, empowering them to grow and multiply!
  • I gratefully accept happiness and prosperity from a supportive, abundant Universe.

3 comments to Focus on Gratitude – Appreciate Your Way To Joy and Abundance

  • […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Healthy Health, Ezra Gardener. Ezra Gardener said: Focus on Gratitude – Appreciate Your Way To Joy and Abundance …: Wayne Dyer 2010 Tour. Wayne Dyer Making the Shi… […]

  • Alexandra Converse

    Only now have I had time and space in my head to read and answer your Tip of the Week, excellent as always. And by coincidence, ha ha, on Monday I had to supply a password to register for something, and the word that flew to my mind was “Forgive”.

    I am learning things from Lorraine’s series, and I learn something every week from you.

    And about 10 days ago, a scorcher of a day, I passed a fire hydrant leaking a thin stream of water, and drinking sweetly was the most beautiful cardinal. I stood still and drank him in. I am still grateful for his appearance.

  • Sheryl

    Alexandra – thank you for posting your comment and I’m glad you enjoy these articles. Thanks for sharing your moment of appreciation of watching that cardinal drink from the fire hydrant — quite an unusual sight!