Divine Timing – Surrendering to the Wisdom of the Universe

Sometimes we want something so badly — we wish for it, we pray for it, we call upon the Law of Attraction. We focus all our energy on it, impatiently waiting for it to manifest.  And sometimes it does happen right away, almost magically.

Yet other times, it remains just beyond our grasp. We can clearly picture it in our mind’s eye. After all, doesn’t the Law of Attraction tell us to vividly imagine it, to basically pretend to feel and act like we already have it?

We need to trust that the infinite wisdom and intelligence of the Universe (call it Source or God if you prefer) knows what’s in our best interest. And yes, we believe that the Universe is filled with abundance, light and positivity — enough for everyone. If that’s true, then you may ask: why am I not getting what I’m focusing my attention upon, and how can I remedy that?

First of all, your own “vibration” — part of your quantum energetic field of body, mind and spirit — may not truly be in that empowering alignment with what you are seeking. So you have to do the inner work on fine tuning your emotions — the feelings and desires in the core of your heart.

Secondly, consider this: “is the timing right?” The wise and powerful Universe may know that you are dreaming of such and such, but maybe — just maybe — if you received or achieved this goal, it would not really be beneficial for you AT THIS PARTICULAR MOMENT in time. Just maybe the Universe knows something that you don’t know.

Most of us are familiar with that old saying “Be careful what you wish for — you just might get it.” Sometimes our plans, when they come to fruition, are a bit disappointing. Sometimes the attainment or obtainment of whatever we are pursuing is not always what we expect.

However, assuming that what you are trying to draw in to your reality is truly a good and positive aspect for you, it still may be challenging to attract. So, when you know you have done all you can do to set the emotional and “vibratory” groundwork to achieve your plan, you may have to take the next step. That is simply to “surrender.” And that doesn’t mean give up and hang out the white flag, that you’re finished and a failure with this particular objective. It just means releasing all worry out to the Universe. Maybe you have been trying too hard. Maybe you need to relax into the gentle understanding of that well-known saying “Let Go and let God.”

Be open to the concept of “Divine Timing” — releasing the outcome and knowing that if it is for your highest good, it will happen. Of course, it is essential to continue to have positive vibrations about it because any negativity, frustration, or stress will only serve to hamper its achievement. Hold the radiant glow of your goal powerfully within you. But don’t get too caught up in it. Do your best, but release the rest… And trust that when the timing is right, you WILL receive!


  • I trust that everything in my life is happening at the right time.
  • The wisdom of the Universe provides abundance, harmony and joy for me.
  • I release all worries, making way for positive aspects to flow into my life.

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