The Five Reiki Precepts

A great Reiki-way to begin your day is with The Five Reiki Precepts (or Principles), which are the basic foundation of Usui Reiki. If you are a Practitioner, you probably learned them in your beginning class. Do you recite them from memory, and do you reflect about their meaning on a daily basis? For those just learning about Reiki, you might wonder: what are the 5 Precepts? Are they only for Reiki Practitioners? I mentioned these in my earlier blog post 7 Tips To Live By

The Precepts vary slightly in order and wording, according to where you read them or learn them. They are simple, straightforward, yet so profound – and can apply to anyone’s life.

Just for today: I will not anger (or become angry); I will not worry; I will have gratitude for my blessings; I will do my work honestly; I will be kind to all living things.

The Just For Today doesn’t mean, well tomorrow I can worry and be angry. It just means that “for now, in this moment” I will observe these precepts. Reiki encourages us to live in the now – to focus on our present moment and make it count, make it both precious and powerful. So for those hearing the Precepts for the first time (or the umpteenth time!), I think you will agree that these are really common sense virtues to integrate into our lives.

Try saying them every day aloud at the start of your day and really focus on them . The Japanese roots of Reiki encourages us to say the Precepts three times. I always feel a sense of inner serenity when I recite them, and it only takes but a few moments. Such a positive, peaceful way to start one’s morning…

Affirmation, Attitude, Action for today (Affirmation is the positive statement, Attitude is how your body responds to the statement and Action reefers to speaking the statement aloud).

“I have confidence in the way that my life path is unfolding. I trust that I will receive all that I need from the Universe for my best and highest good. I move forward into my day with joyful anticipation…”

So “just for today” go forth and Be Happy!

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