Are you living the Law of Attraction? Have you even heard of the Law of Attraction? If you are already living it, then I’m guessing you might be happily enjoying the benefits and manifestations! If you’ve never heard of this Universal Law, then read on…
The hit DVD “The Secret” started the great awakening to this fascinating concept and it certainly made an impression on me. I was not only moved by it but motivated to put its principles into practice. Amazing, positive changes were in motion for me!
Basically, the law of attraction states “That which is like unto itself is drawn.” Like attracts like. What you think is what you get. We create our own realities. Energy flows where your attention goes. What you focus on expands. When we ask, it is given.
So what we focus on – in both thoughts and feelings – determines our own energetic vibrations. (According to Quantum Physics, we are all energy vibrating at different frequencies).
If we are filled with positive thoughts and feelings (prosperity, joy, etc), then we will attract more of the same into our experience. Conversely, if we only focus on negative thoughts and feelings (scarcity, depression, recession, etc) then we will attract more of THAT into our experience. But it’s not as simple as it sounds!
However, this positive focus must include a corresponding feeling and vibration. Just fleeting positive thoughts with no matching emotion are missing the point and will not bring you what you are desiring.
What kind of thoughts are you actually carrying around with you? If there are mostly dismal, sorry-for-myself conversations going on within you, or “oh-how-horrible is this recession” commentary, then you are setting yourself up for attracting more of those same things. If we keep saying to ourselves, “I don’t have enough money. I need more money to pay my bills” we are still using scarcity thinking even though we do want more prosperity. Just wording our thoughts like that is not utilizing the law of attraction. So the law encourages us to “cheat” in a meaningful way and already pretend that we have prosperity, that we already feel abundant.
Start getting into the mindset of feeling prosperous, and say to yourself “I have lots of money and great abundance” and get into the actual feeling behind that. This helps raise our personal energetic vibration to send our a clear signal to the Universe to bring more abundance into our experience.
And remember, it is just as easy to reach for a joyful thought as it is for a negative thought. You have a choice. Make a conscious decision to choose to feel better, even a bit at a time. So, start at this moment and reach for a good-feeling thought right now!
Affirmation, Attitude, Action: My income is always increasing. Prosperity comes easily to me. I am finding more and more ways to bring abundance right into my life experience.