Forgiveness – Releasing Anger and Letting Your Light Shine Brightly

Our Light Can Make a Big Difference

“Whether you believe it, or not, you will feel a lot better if you let your light shine onto the world. This is biologically programmed in our DNA. Our immune system functions better when we connect to feelings of love. The more love we experience (i.e. send to others), the more immune we become against cancer, infectious diseases, heart diseases, and chronic deterioration. The brain will also produce endorphins; this makes us feel happier and more optimistic. So, by sending love (loving thoughts to others, praying, forgiving others, and wishing them all the best), we will be rewarded with an improved quality of life and well being.” ~Dr. Roy Martina

Sending out light out to others is a beautiful action. But perhaps we should first do the inner work to strengthen our own light. Connecting with our self light is linking powerfully to our Divine Essence – or reconnecting with who we are at our core. Once we are in a place of relative peace, it is usually easier to send light out to others. By doing that, your own heart glows with a special radiance, bringing even greater feelings of serenity.

One of the main obstacles to being able to freely let our love and light flow is being stuck in a mode of unforgiveness. When you hold anger in your heart, it just eats away at you. When you believe others have wronged you, begin to sort out your feelings and do some real soul-searching to start along the path of releasing those “toxic” emotions.

One way to let go is to first allow yourself to experience the pain, the anger, and the anguish. Let yourself get lost in it — temporarily. But give yourself a time limit, and make it a relatively brief one. Say to yourself “Okay, for the next 3 days I am going to allow myself to express the pain/grief/regret/hostility, etc that I feel. But after three days, I am letting it all go. I will accept — no, I will embrace — the action of releasing all negative feelings. I will embrace forgiveness.” Stick with your set goal, and make a super-conscious effort to release hurt and negativity. Then, take the amazing and compassionate action — send love and light out to that person!

Another suggestion is to focus on the other person, and imagine them at a time when all was peaceful and you viewed them in a positive light. Bring that picture into your mind very clearly. See their face and imagine them smiling with joy. Holding that mental picture, send love from your heart to theirs. Vividly remembering someone in happier days makes it much easier to project your love and forgiveness to them. When you are genuinely able to forgive, your own heart will feel lighter, you may feel a supreme sense of relief and it can certainly improve your overall well-being. It will be so much easier to move forward into more positive days!


  • Connecting with love, light and understanding to others brings feelings of radiance and joy.
  • I let my light fill the darkness, illuminating the way for myself as well as others.
  • I make a conscious effort to forgive others and let go of past hurts.

Positive Attitude – Rekindle Your Passion for Life With These Simple Ideas

Does life ever seem routine, dull — maybe just the same thing over and over? It may be boring/dull with not enough to do or boring/busy with far too much on your plate. But it is the doing things by rote or with downright feelings of drudgery — that get to our psyche and make us feeI Love Lifel depleted and out of touch with who we really are.

No matter how upbeat you are, we all experience times like these. We lose sight of the excitement in life, the utter joy that life can offer us, the spontaneity, the action and reaction, that sharp, awe-inspiring sensation of feeling truly ALIVE.

The key is to re-energize your daily reality is some way — magnify your sense of optimism and spur-of-the-moment feel-good energy. Here are some ideas:

• Call someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time and surprise them! I did this recently and had the most wonderful, reconnecting conversation with an old friend which really made my heart sing!

• Stand in the light of appreciation. Take a few moments to really be grateful for what is beautiful in your life. Let gratitude flow warmly and powerfully through you.

• Treat yourself to something mildly extravagant – but yet something that certainly won’t break you financially (perhaps an iPhone as opposed to a Lexus.) Make it something that you will really enjoy and will have that glow about owning. Yes, let’s admit that we do occasionally get excited by our “toys” even if they represent the very materialistic side of ourselves.

Do an inspired and impromptu DANCE! Put on some really rhythmic music that will motivate you to just let go and have fun!

• Write a  really inspired or dramatic journal entry, article, blog post or commentary. Basically, EXPRESS yourself. Say what’s in your heart and mind. And either publish it, put it away to look at another time, or toss it in the circular file — whatever you feel is appropriate.

• Go outside and connect your breath with nature and all that surrounds you. Even on a really cold day, if there is sun, stand in a strong ray of light, take a few deep cleansing breaths and just absorb your surroundings. Instead of frigid, think “brisk” or “exhilarating.” Sometimes in these kind of moments, we feel that sensation of “aliveness” just course through us — rejuvenating our spirit.

• Sing in the shower (an old favorite) — loudly and let your voice be heard. It doesn’t matter if it’s off-key. Just serenade yourself.

• Write a love note/letter to someone special — your child, your parent, a sibling, a good friend, or an acquaintance whom you would like to know better. Write it the old-fashioned way, using a pen and paper. Imagine how surprised and grateful that person will be. They will feel radiant — and so will you!

• See a great movie — spontaneously. Yes, go OUT to the cinema and see something current — either a great drama, action-packed film, or something that will really appeal to your sense of humor. Personally, in terms of watching a film, nothing beats the BIG screen. There are no interruptions so you can truly focus and get involved in the storyline.

• Try a kind of food that is totally alien from what you normally consume. Try a cuisine from another country or ethnicity. Go for something that is either totally a comfort food, or a little more flavorful/spicier/exotic/intriguing than normal (but don’t overdo it!)

• Participate in a sport or other activity – something different, something you don’t usually do. You don’t have to commit to it on a regular basis – just TRY it now. Something the young people are doing in Manhattan is participating in organized scavenger hunts. Participants have an amazing, upbeat time following clues all over the Big Apple. Maybe it is taking a hike on a trail, or canoeing on a river — go with whatever appeals to your own sense of adventure.

• Learn something new — take a seminar or class. Immerse yourself in a new technology.  Doing something new or unique is fun, and also rejuvenates the mind and makes those brain cells work! For instance, if you’ve never tweeted – sign up and start sending out those tweets to reflect your own activities and life path. Learn a new language. Learn to use a photo-editing program.

• Go to an amusement part and pretend you are a child again — perhaps brave the upside-down roller coaster (if your stomach can handle it!) Or sled down a snow-covered hill.

• Read a book you’ve always thought about reading — something that is different from your normal fare. Or if you never read, buy a book that sounds really fascinating to you and make time to actually READ.

• Connect with an animal — go to the park with your loving canine, cuddle with your cat (sprinkle some catnip on their favorite toy) or just do some bird-watching. Spending time communing with animals is a great way to re-energize and reconnect with your core essence. Animals know how to truly live in the moment — we can  learn that powerful lesson from them!


  • I seek optimistic, exhilarating experiences to brighten my reality.
  • Simple pleasures and simple actions of the uplifting kind bring much joy into my life.
  • My life is exciting, unique and filled with feel-good experiences!

Inner Guidance – Recognizing Resistance – A Real Life Story

Sometimes in our eagerness to plunge in to something that just catches our attention, we tend to lose sight of our very clear inner guidance. Not all immediate opportunities that present themselves are positive and in our best interests. Sometimes they are just THERE. An opportunity or choice may look quite intriguing. But it is critical to truly assess it with your mind, your heart and your intuition!

I am going to share a story about my daughter’s experience with finding a new apartment. Coming off a challenging roommate experience, and resolute about now having her very own space, she plunged in and seized one of the the first apartments that was available. She did have us come take a look at it, but my husband and I were not as enthusiastically enamored by it. To me, the “energy” of the place did not feel too comfortable. I also had that sense of intuitive rumbling that this little apartment was not going to be all that my firstborn envisioned it would be.

However, we did not wish to ruin her enthusiasm and sense of independence. In the parental sense of allowing our children to learn and grow, we needed to let her make her own decisions. Whatever the outcome would be, it would be.

The apartment was not an actual straightforward rental, but a co-op that was being sublet by the owner. What ensued was major red-tape paperwork. Plus my daughter had to make an appearance before the co-op Board to see if they approved of her — and of her finances. Trying to be there for her, we were a bit daunted, reading complex application/contract forms filled with legalese. There were also too many quirky rules and regulations about living in this particular building.

The apartment itself had signs of insect infestation, that looked to have been somewhat, but not completely cleared up. There were some problems with windows and some plumbing issues.

On moving day (of which there were many rules about this being limited to certain days of the week and certain times) my husband and I rented the truck, and along with a few others, physically pitched in to help with the actual moving. Awakening to a day of pelting rain (a warning omen perhaps?) the moving experience was extremely physically exhausting, plus we were chilled and soaked from the nonstop downpour.

In addition, my daughter, who was having some ongoing mystifying physical pain, finally was able to arrange a medical test — and the only time diagnostic facility could fit her in was that afternoon! So she ran off to get her medical test (all tests came back fine) and I was left to be the mainstay in the apartment, as the others — strong males — were busy lugging in heavy boxes and furniture. I had to use the bathroom, and not much later, the building superintendent showed up at the doorway. “The toilet is leaking,” he informed me. I looked at him puzzled, “No, it’s not — I didn’t see any leak.” “Well the people in the apartment downstairs DID!” I was horrified and disheartened about this, but I made the Super assure me that this plumbing problem would be corrected quickly.

However, my daughter was without plumbing and couldn’t spend her first night in the new place after all

As the year wore on, it became obvious that there was a HUGE insect problem, to the point where my daughter discovered that her microwave had become a condominium for resident bug population, and so had to discard the appliance. Also, midway through the lease, the owner of the co-op decided she was going to put the place on the market. Now my daughter had the inconvenience and frustration of Realtors and potential owners traipsing through her apartment at all odd times.

She was relieved when the lease was up, and finally acknowledged that she should have been more attuned to the “warning” signs — both the practical as well as those pointed out by our inner guidance systems. All of us had felt resistance at the beginning of this apartment-dwelling ordeal, but my daughter had simply chosen to pay it no heed. She did admit to me later on that she had learned quite a bit from this, and has since moved forward (literally) into the more uplifting space of a new apartment — which is truly perfect, joyful and filled with positive energy.

In sharing this experience, I am not saying to ignore fascinating and potentially good opportunities. I am simply pointing out that it is wise to approach with caution if you are noticing some of those potential “red flags” flying in the emotional and intuitive breeze. Assess a situation carefully, especially when you feel that nagging tug of resistance arising from your heart and mind.


  • I tap in to my inner guidance to assess new situations and opportunities.
  • I welcome new opportunities that resonate with my innate sense of what is right for me.
  • I gravitate toward plans and circumstances that cause me to feel joyful!

Love Is – Positive Thoughts and Inspired Musings

Love is kind. Love is profound. Love originates in the heart and emanates in waves of radiant compassion. Love intensifies. Love engages. Love intertwines. Love extends and blends. Love creates. Love spins magic. Love is the beginning — and the end. Love is the wonder, the excitement, the exhilaration. Love warms (and love burns…)

Love is connection. Love is up-close-and-personal. Love is the profound and infinite laughter that flows from our soul. Love is the flashing, beating pattern of the spirited heart. Love illuminates. Love is the breath of life. Love is the ancient ethereal wisdom of the Universe. Love is sometimes poignant, bittersweet and complex.

Love teaches. Love inspires. Love uplifts our senses. Love moves us, infuses us and sometimes challenges us. Love cocoons us in its powerful brilliance. Love is the emotion and intelligence of our core essence. Love is the conscious voice of all that is joyful, compassionate and eternal.

Above all — love needs action. Love needs to be spoken, shouted, professed and avowed. Love needs to be eloquently displayed. Love must be nudged, nurtured and nourished. Love needs expression both verbally and emotionally — often and profusely. Love needs to be focused on with full and rapt attention.

Love means spending time. Love means making time to spend. Love means generosity of spirit. Love means placing another’s welfare before your own. Love means patience. Love means acceptance, tolerance and understanding. Love means support, encouragement and respect.

Love is unique to each of us — yet it is the common empowering thread that connects all of us through the expanse of time and space. Love takes effort. Love is worth the effort.

Love is all.


  • I draw upon my sense of self-love to ripple out as compassion for others.
  • I find it empowering to share my genuine love with the world.
  • Expressing love to those who surround me is so easy, and I feel great joy in doing so.

Reiki Healing – Set Your Intention for the Energy to Flow

You may have heard that Reiki is about “intention.” I have had a number of students ask about this concept, and at first, they are not sure exactly what is meant by it. Well, it is about as simple as it sounds. The dictionary defines the term intention as “an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or results; the end or object intended; purpose.”

There are many steps we can take before offering Reiki to someone. These may include: grounding, meditating, performing a Japanese Reiki technique, focusing on our breathing, connecting with the sacred symbols, saying an invocation or statement to offer ourselves as an open channel. At our healing circles, we do several ritual steps before offering Reiki to the recipients on the tables. These generally include a prayer/invocation before we begin.

However, the bottom line is that all you really need to do to start the energy flowing is INTEND for it to flow. Intend for yourself to be that clear channel and invite the energy to stream through you and to the recipient. So just “set your intention” to activate a lovely, healing stream of energy. You can even say very simply to yourself “Reiki on…” and the energy will flow.

Sometimes, to a newcomer, all the rituals surrounding the beginning of a session can seem complicated. But the tradition of classic Japanese Reiki involves some ritual, and this can help Practitioners feel confident, comfortable and knowledgeable about following a predetermined set of steps. As physical beings, we often need the comfort of ritual and sequenced planning. This may help us be stronger and more focused on what we do. But don’t get overly caught up in a string of rituals, especially if they do not genuinely resonate with you.

I always encourage practitioners to never hesitate to use Reiki for anything that you feel guided to! From simple bruises to complex conditions or situations, call in the healing energy. New practitioners tend to forget that they possess this extremely powerful healing “tool.” Don’t forget that Reiki is also beneficial for situations, not just a specific physical problem. It helps greatly on the emotional/mental level as well. Keep all this in mind and if suddenly, you find yourself in a situation where Reiki can be useful, bring it on! Simply set your intention for the energy to flow for the highest good. You might be amazed at the results.

Positive Thinking – Write Your New, Uplifting Life Story

“It is not from where you come, but where you are now in joy, and where you are headed with enlightenment.” ~Sheryl Schlameuss Berger

Negativity. Dysfunction. Insecurity. Depression. These were the themes of my family life throughout my childhood. It wasn’t a pretty picture. My father was a domineering, it’s-my-way-or-the-highway type of individual. He yelled, put everyone down, ran hot and cold. I don’t remember him ever really saying “I love you.” If anything, he loved “conditionally” — if you did what he wanted, he was okay, but challenge him — and he was incensed. He had a feud with his own mother (my grandmother) and he wouldn’t speak to her for 5 years — and she lived in the same household with us! My mother endured constant criticism from an emotionally unbalanced man which she put up with for nearly 50 years — until the day she died.

It is hard for me to even write that first paragraph, but I feel the need to share this and give you a glimpse into my past. Was all of my childhood filled with negativity — absolutely not. We had some amazingly good times, and that is almost completely due to my mother’s inherent upbeat and vibrant nature as well as her nurturing care of me. In all the photos I have of my mother, she is always wearing a smile, with no hint of the reality of her life. In my heart, I recall how vibrant she was and her love of life, despite her challenges.

There were many turning points in my life (and that is fuel for a whole other article — or book!) The bottom line is that I was eventually able to leave the negative story of my past behind and write a brand new upbeat life story.

Those who are familiar with the teachings of Abraham-Hicks know that it is a powerful transformational tool to move away from any past sorrowful stories and to begin focusing on the present with new eyes, new voice and new dreams. Tell your story in a new and improved way, and as you do that, it will unfold in a more uplifting format. Speak about it and clarify it as you would like it to be. Just UNDERSTANDING this concept can propel you forward into a better-feeling day-to-day life experience.

Many of us do tend to get caught up in the old, challenging version of our story — the hard luck kind — or we know people who do this on a consistent basis. By continuing to immerse yourself in negativity — guess what? You are just powerfully inviting more negativity into your life.

So isn’t the choice clear? Write your positive, joyful story. Is the choice easy to put into practice? Not necessarily. But is it worth it — definitely! So use any tools that you find helpful (i.e. positive affirmations, positive thinking techniques, inspirational books, audios, following uplifting teachers, studying healing techniques) to keep your attention on the present in a mindful and harmonious way. Envision the life you wish to manifest. It takes inner work and determination – but I assure you, it CAN be done.


  • It is easy to talk about my life in a positive and upbeat way.
  • I write my life story as I would like it to joyfully unfold.
  • To leave the past behind, I focus on all positive aspects in my present reality.

Spirituality – Acknowledging Your Soul Consciousness

How spiritual do you consider yourself? Do you acknowledge a soul consciousness within? Or are you firmly planted in the practical side of life, based solely on awareness of this physical plane?

The definition of spirituality is that which relates to or affects the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. Your spiritual nature supposedly reflects your higher consciousness and your Divine nature — your connection to whatever you consider Source or God.

Understanding the concept of spirituality and pursuing enlightenment have been important to me as I grow older, with more and varied life experience. And in my heart, I WANT to believe that there is something more than just this physical plane.

Some spiritual teachings enlighten us with the following possibilities:

  • We are all connected
  • We are all one
  • We are eternal beings, having a human experience in physical bodies
  • The divine spark of God lives within each of us — or we are the energy of the Divine in physical form

Numerous scientific studies suggest that those who connect in strongly to a spiritual essence, or a belief in the comfort, strength and guidance from a higher power, generally experience better health and have a greater capacity for healing.

People have all kinds of theories about why we are here in this physical realm, and what our earthly purpose may be. Here are a few:

  • Love – express love and feel the blessings of being loved
  • Seeking joyful experiences – life is a high-vibration, fun adventure
  • Learn – all kinds of life lessons and how to be the best we can be, grow and expand our consciousness, including learning from positive experiences as well as from adversity
  • Create – make our own unique choices, let our inspiration flow, carve out the individual life path that fulfills our soul’s mission
  • Serve – either serve God or serve others in a compassionate and helping way, and generally improve the well-being of the world/planet
  • Play – experience the human plane as an adventure, an incarnate roller coaster ride full of fun and exhilaration
  • Experience Contrast – learn what it is like to experience the human spectrum from extreme joy to major challenges and sorrows, and from experiencing the accompanying range of human emotions
  • Teach – help others grow in both a spiritual and human way, and gain pleasure and fulfillment from showing others how to improve their lives
  • Karma – work out issues experienced in previous lifetimes

So if tapping in to our spirituality helps us become happier, healthier and more balanced (and personally I find this to be true) than it is wise for us to truly embrace our soulful side. This path may well help us release fears and move into a more harmonious reality, guided by the infinite potential of our soul and the motivation of a joy-filled heart!

Do you have a strong sense of being connected to your spiritual essence? Do you feel that there is some soulful purpose to your life — or not? If so, WHAT do you believe is your mission here on this physical plane? Please leave a comment on this post (even a short one) as I really enjoy when readers get involved and have some lively discussion!


  • I approach life as a joyful, wondrous learning adventure.
  • Connecting to my soulful, spiritual nature invites harmony into my life.
  • I release fear, lack and limitation and I embrace serenity, abundance and well-being.

Goal Setting – Aligning With the Intentions of Your Heart

Are you a genuine “goal setter” — taking meticulous effort to carefully formulate plans for the coming year/month/day? Or are you the exact opposite — just kind of drifting along in that “whatever will be” frame of mind?

Or perhaps you fall somewhere in-between those polar opposites and you casually set a few goals, but are not as aggressive, motivated or passionate about them. I suspect that most people fall into this category. Yet goal-setting has been shown to be one of the essential steps toward success in all aspects of our lives. Setting goals empowers us, enriches us and helps move us forward into the energy of motivation and accomplishment.

Here are 5 quick tips for getting your goals in gear:

1) Do some “goal soul-searching.” Take some time to really think about what you want. Dig deep into your psyche for this and explore those genuine dreams of your heart. Meaning, don’t waste time trying to set goals for things you think you “should” do or goals that others set or request of you. It’s very easy to fall into the trap of trying to shape your goals based on the expectations of others. This can ultimately set you up for failure.

2) Write it down! Once you have a clear goal, commit it to paper (whether it be through a keyboard or an actual pen.) This is very powerful.

3) Make an emotional commitment to it. Feel the energy of it. Visualize it clearly. Say a daily affirmation about it. (Twice a day is even better!) Make it real, tangible and exciting for yourself. Create a vision board for it.

4) Do not overwhelm yourself with too many goals. Of course, the number of goals one might commit to varies according to the individual. Let your inner guidance determine if you are best off with 3-5 goals for the year — or if you are going for mega-stardom and can handle 30-40 — or more! Sometimes choosing a smaller number of clear goals is easier to focus on and less daunting.

5) Chunk down larger goals into “to dos” of a more manageable size. It simplifies your life to break down goals into smaller action steps. It is much easier to just take one little step at a time, and with each step, you do begin to feel some fulfillment and inspiration along the way.

So, what are you waiting for? Write down those things you wish to accomplish, and make sure that they are feel-good goals for you — resonating with your own unique and individual life purpose. Goals that you are likely to attain are those that flow passionately from your own heart.


  • I am skilled at powerfully and deliberately visualizing my desires.
  • I can already feel the sense of accomplishment that achieving my goals will bring.
  • I focus positive energy on manifesting goals that resonate with my heart.

Positive Attitude – Take Pride in Past Accomplishments

New Year, new moment, new energy — new chance to be the best life creator you can be. Are you ready for the challenge? Do you have the motivation and drive to take possibilities, turn them into probabilities and then into realities?

Of course, the challenge that I am referring to is one’s personal challenge — one’s unique, individual goals. I always find the beginning of a year particularly exciting because it is so vast and open with possibilities. We generally greet it with great and anticipatory momentum — so if we can keep in that momentum flowing throughout the year, think of how much we can accomplish!

What are your own goals, dreams, wishes — what do you seek to manifest this year? Crystallize those goals and visions. Clarify them. Write them down.

BUT, before you even do that, first make a list of all that you have accomplished in the past year.

Write down everything — however minute or huge — that makes you feel proud of yourself, that makes your heart sing, that makes your shout “Yes I did it!” to the world.

I love making this list because it can be such a joy and a revelation. I started doing this when I was a teenager. I used to keep a daily diary and would neatly tuck a folded piece of paper with all the year’s achievements into the diary at year’s end before I closed it up and put it away for “posterity.”

Each year I would marvel at how much longer the list of “Firsts and Accomplishments” was than I had anticipated.

I had stopped this little practice over time, but in more recent years, started going back to it. And it is encouraging and motivating to review things you’ve learned, done well and goals that have been met.

So I encourage you to really give some reflection on what you have done this past year. Spend time being in the exhilarating energy of accomplishment. This will get you into a radiant mindset to move forward into the new year. And in that frame of mind, and in that high vibration of anticipation, start focusing on your new goals. DO take the time to write them down, because that is very powerful and will help bring them into manifestation!


  • It is energizing and fulfilling to reflect upon my accomplishments.
  • I enjoy creating new goals, plans and activities that resonate with my heartfelt desires.
  • All that I can imagine — I can be!

Reiki – Did You Know – Questions About this Modality and its History

As Reiki students, we learn about the history, often different pieces of it, depending on who our teacher is and what she/he has learned in their own studies. Are you familiar with the following information?

(A special thanks to William Rand, who helped with the accuracy of these statements.)

Did you know that:

• Mrs. Takata was born in 1900 and died in 1980, yet she did not train any Reiki Masters until the ten years before she died, beginning in 1970?

• Mikao Usui was married to a woman named Suzuki and had both a son and a daughter with her?

• that after Usui felt the “One Great Reiki” enter his crown chakra (after his 21-day fast on Mount Kurama) he first practiced on family and friends and witnessed the amazing effects of this new healing empowerment?

• according to the research of Hiroshi Doi, Arjava Petter and Tadao Yamaguchi, it was recently discovered the Usui had only 3 symbols – the same 3 we use in Reiki II?

• Mrs. Takata was known to charge students the exorbitant sum of $10,000.00 to train and attune them to the Master Level? Yet, despite this, she trained approximately 22 Masters.

• though it was originally believed that Dr. Hayashi is the one who developed the standard hand position system that is used here in the West, it is now understood that Mrs. Takata did not teach what she learned from Dr. Hayashi, but created her own system of Reiki, in which she omitted the Japanese Reiki Techniques and created a new system of hand positions which she referred to as the foundation treatment?

• Reiki is used Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center as a complementary and alternative therapy to assist patients in their recovery?

• that Reiki can be used to treat ANY symptom, condition or disease?

And on that last note, my question is what have you used Reiki on (for yourself or someone else) that might be a bit unique or unusual?

For me a few things come to mind:

• When a chair dropped on my toe – I gave it a substantial dose of both ice and Reiki. The next day it was black and blue, but I had absolutely no pain and it healed so quickly.

• Secret Reiki in the emergency room when my son was in a car accident (See my post from last year)

• All kinds of cuts and bruises — speeds up healing dramatically

• In challenging traffic or travel situations, I “wrap” my car in a humongous power symbol, envisioning that Reiki is helping me home smoothly and safely

• In family court (years ago) with my ex-husband — I let the Reiki flow in great waves and it helped that visit to court go quickly, easily, and PEACEFULLY.

So I invite you to please share your thoughts and your own experiences as a comment on this post!